Ahhhhhhhh, is it true?!?! A day of recovery and service! You’d think after a long hard day yesterday that one would want to sleep all day…..BUT no sleep for the wicked, Right?! So a few hours of rest and up we were, but this time up and into a warm building and warm food. Today’s breakfast…biscuits, gravy, and eggs. MMMMM. Now that’s what I’m talking about. Beats the oatmeal or PB and J we’ve been having as breakfast options.
So not too much to report for today besides we got our Youtube video completed, caught up on social media, and watched the weather come through, of course snow. Others in the camp talked about wanting to get out of town before more weather came through. It alerted us because all we could think of is what kind of weather was to come over the next couple of days here. And snow isn’t too bad. It’s just if the snow turns to rain and mush on the roadways, oh and on us!
But snow kept being snow today, and we kept to being warm inside with more warm food. Soup of course for dinner….and a beer or two. How could we not right?! And we got ourselves in bed tonight at an early time to feel rested for the morning adventure, which was going to be an adventure uncertain with this weather. So we close our eyes in hopes that just maybe we will see sun in the morning.