Alright, time to enter British Columbia. We woke early morning with our legs tight from the day before. The long day had put a beating on us, so a good stretch was needed before we could even think about hitting the road again. So that’s what we did. Stretched then started our usual routine of breakfast, walking Aurora, and taking the tent down before getting on our bikes for the day.
The goal today was another 100 miler. But first, we wanted to focus on entering into British Columbia. 2 miles down the road. lol Funny because that 2 miles wasn’t a walk in the park. There were a couple of climbs in that 2 miles. I guess you could call it a little warm up for the day.
At the entrance into B.C. there’s a sign welcoming you and looking back the other direction a sign welcoming you to the Yukon. We stopped and took some photos, and said goodbye to the Yukon and a hello to B.C. Other vehicles were stopping as well for their pictures for the sign in the direction they were headed. Some even took a moment to say hi to us, or Aurora I should say. She is always the show stopper.
Carrying on into British Columbia was pretty straight forward. More beautiful scenery consisting of trees, mountains, and lakes. And yes, some animals made their presence as well. So much wildlife to been seen in this areas. Especially black bears.
One of the towns we passed about half way through our ride today was Jade City. We didn’t stop here to check out the shops, because nothing was quite open yet. But it is a very small town that prides itself on jade. A or typically a green gemstone that is sold as jewelry and or carvings in the stores and gift shoppes in the town. They get their Jade in the mountains of the Cassiar nearby. We may not have stopped to shop but we did take break for some food there. PB and J. That always seem to fuel me when I feel low in energy.
Jade City was about 70 miles into our ride. Typically this was about the time we’d stop in the past and call it a day, but not now. We wanted to tackle at least another 30 miles. Honestly the 30 miles went quick and there wasn’t an area to set up camp at this point so we decided to keep peddling. There was a town up ahead called Dease Lake, but it was another 40 miles. I wasn’t sure if I had that much in me, but was sure going to try especially since it was a town and most likely would have service and a store there.
Sure enough there was service and a grocery store. And most importantly a place to post up camp. We were exhausted and shocked we survived another century plus peddling today. I guess our bodies are finally, after all these miles, getting used to the long rides. Thank goodness. So after a morning of muscle tightness we decided to prepare for the next morning and we did a little bit of stretching tonight before we ate and hit the hay. Crossing our fingers for another successful long ride. We are going to try and cycle 100 miles each day going forward. Good night and til tomorrow world.