Last night was cold! Or just seemed that way. In my sleeping bag and in my Everest bootys my feet were frozen. I had to get up in the middle of the night to get foot warmers just to heat them up, and on top of that, I tossed and turned all night. So basically I woke up tired! And so tired I really wanted to stay in bed. But dressed I got, walked the pup, and away we went. First day in the Yukon.
The day was bright and fairly warm. We didn’t even get but 3 miles before we started to remove some layers. The views were really beautiful with many snow covered mountains in the distance. Many rivers, lakes and trees today as well. To be honest there wasn’t too many awesome things to report today, except 1 thing! Bears! We saw about 4 bears today. All at different points of our ride crossing the street. One actually ran out in front of us to cross the street. He was cute and fairly small so we imagined it was a cub and a mother was near. We just kept a peddling.
It was a bit cute that whenever there was a bear ahead of us that we didn’t know about, many of the on coming traffic (cars, trucks, even big rigs) would kindly stop or slow down to let us know. Some maybe told us out of caution/concern, and others merely out of excitement. We did catch a few on camera and GoPro. But the GoPro videos always seem so far away so I’m not sure how well you’ll be able to see them on that. GoPro seriously needs to fix that!
The day was long. We weren’t sure how long we were going to hold up for, but we are now just trying to make it to where there is some service to work on the computer, social media, and make phone calls. Alaska and Canada have a sparse amount of service available throughout. So we just biked and biked and biked today hoping for service. We saw a town on the map that we thought would have service but low and behold like many of the towns around here there was nothing to be found. Meaning no market, gas station, and usually no homes. Just 1 or 2 abandoned buildings. 98 miles and 3,122ft of elevation later, here we are on the side of the road posted up with our tent resting our heads because we are beat and still haven’t found a town with any service. We are just one with nature tonight exhausted and so ready hit the hay. We made some soup and hot dogs today for dinner—strange combo, got out of our wet clothes from sweating, and now it’s time to say goodnight. Bears, we love you , but please stay away.